
NEOLAUREATI PRIZE 2021 Winners Announced

On Tuesday 14 December 2021, the award ceremony of the 2021 edition of the Neolaureati Prize, dedicated to the best architecture degree theses supported by students of the Polytechnic of Milan was held at he headquarters and was streamed online. Aoyama Design Forum has proudly supported the award again this year.adf-web-magazine-premio-neolaureati-2021-winner-16

Since 2003, the Order of Architects of Milan and the Foundation have promoted the New Graduate Award, focused on the best graduates in design, architecture, planning, landscape and conservation faculties of Polytechnic of Milan selected by architects representatives by the Order. The aim is to join the authors of the most interesting theses with the cultural and professional word of architecture, design, planning, landscape and conservation.

There were 20 theses participating in the 2021 edition, 14 students of the Politecnico di Milano. The number of participating theses was much lower than in previous editions due to the covid-19 pandemic, a situation that led to the reduction of graduation sessions.


1st Prize: € 1,000.00 + 4 books selected by the OAMI Foundation


“Usina de las ideas”: an integrated model for the innovative organization of work and urban regeneration in Belgrano, Buenos Aires”

Authors: Agnese Arrighetti and Filippo Gaspari

Supervisor: Maria Pompeiana Iarossi

Comment by the Jury: for having reasoned on different scales of the project, relating the work on the ground to minute architectural solutions.


2nd Prize: € 500.00 + 3 books selected by the OAMI Foundation


“Ordinary Courtyards, to unlock the spatial resources in housing”

Authors: Marta Sciarra and Valeria Righetti

Supervisor: Gennaro Postiglione

Comment of the Jury: for working on the urban scale starting from existing interstitial open spaces in a urban block.


3rd Prize: € 250.00 + 2 books selected by the OAMI Foundation


“Age-friendly housing: remodeling a former modernist market into a multi generational living complex in Madrid”

Authors: Daniel Alfonso Favaro Fernandez and Victoria Zavala

Supervisor: Antonio da Silva Ferrerira de Carvalho

Comment of the Jury: for having reasoned on a current issue from a social point of view and for having expressed it in a complex design system.


Special Mention - selection of the books published by Fondazione OAMi, the editorial project by the Foundation of the Order of Architects of Milan.

“Swarm Intelligence and Spatial Design: spatial strategies for the emergence of swarm behaviors. The case study of Campus La Masa”.

Author: Nelsi Xhemalaj

Supervisor: Anna Barbara

Comment of the Jury: for using the skills of design in the organization of flows and gatherings of people.adf-web-magazine-premio-neolaureati-2021-winner-13

“HBIM as a tool for cataloging past restorations and managing future interventions; the case study of the Este fortress in San Martino in Rio”.

Author: Luca Masiello

Supervisor: Daniela Oreni

Comment of the Jury: for introducing the need for reflection on the use of technology for the conservation of existing buildings.adf-web-magazine-premio-neolaureati-2021-winner-10


  • Francesca Frassoldati, Professor at the Polytechnic of Turin
  • Yukio Ishiyama, President of Garde Italy
  • Gaia Piccarolo, Architect, Lotus
  • Marialisa Santi, Member of the Coucil of the Order and Foundation of the Order of Architects of Milan
  • Guido Tesio, Architect