Outstanding Performance Award

"feel you"

The work lies behind the concept of  "reimagining our space". Human beings are sensory beings and unconsciously build their own human scale. For example, if people do not collide when they pass each other, it is because they unconsciously sense each other's human scale. Gravity affects objects, so we can physically sense the bottom of objects. However, what we really sence is the top of the object, and I thought we could sence the sign of the object in the empty air at the top.adf-web-magazine-milano-salone-design-award-2022-winner-7

Kobayashi says, "I did this work because I want everyone to consciously feel the unconscious sense that spills over in everyday life with the two elements of point and line. When you connect a certain point, it becomes the point of view of some people. The dots connect the lines, and the width of line to line is a comfortable distance for someone. I thought that the feeling that I myself could not digest would give me the opportunity to think about a certain person and see the world from a different perspective. I hope that through the repetition of destruction and construction, visitors will create their own space and feel the sense of incongruity at a certain moment and a little comfort in it."adf-web-magazine-milano-salone-design-award-2022-winner-8

Comments from the judges

Magnus Gustafsson: Futa Kobayashi's project is highly communicative as it invites visitors to interact with the given environment, while changing its appearance through connecting with people inside the same space. The space is re-BORN and re-BUILT everytime a person connects dots to create lines and it is this funcionality that attributes originality to the project. With these features, the project reflects the ADF Salone Award's brief. While the Japanese wood joints are an interesting reference to the designer's origins, any type of connection might be applied to this installation, to further emphasise its conceptual spirit, potentially also by using re-CYCLED or re-USED materials.

Piet Boon: This entry is an interesting way to allow visitors to reconsider the space around them through the interlocking of objects from different points. It encourages users to reconsider the feasibility of object placement based on different heights and physical abilities. It also offers a myriad of possibilities to recreate aesthetics and functionality of a given space. Each visitor is an agent of design in the space. The communication space encourages information exchange between familiars and strangers alike. It is a unique consideration of architecture and interior design as a mobile, agile structure that accommodates itself to the needs of users.adf-web-magazine-milano-salone-design-award-2022-winner-9

Futa Kobayashi Biography

Born in Nagano Prefecture in 2001, matriculation in the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Urban Environment, Tokyo Metropolitan University from 2022 to current. He talks about his design ideas and policies as "My thoughts and strategies are not yet fixed. Every time I come into contact with different works and ways of thinking, I think "Indeed" and my thoughts fluctuate. I want to find something that is important to me as my thoughts fluctuate. When I think about it, I want to value words above all. Considering the weight of the person who saw the work and what I want to convey when I read the title and description of the work, it is difficult to convey both with a comfortable weight, and I think that balance is important. elevate".adf-web-magazine-milano-salone-design-award-2022-winner-10


This project is a series of objects that play with the concept of ‘vessel’, time, and the norms of product design. In our understanding, the sensibilities regarding objects have matured to a point where they can no longer be perceived without certain presumptive restrictions. With this in mind,  Gaurav Wali and Yashika Munjal started their thought experiment with the most fundamental object – a vessel. They asked theirselves: ‘What do you understand as a ‘vessel’? What image comes to mind if I tell you to describe it? Now, how far can you stretch that image? How far is too far?’ Instead of ‘designing’ , Gaurav Wali and Yashika Munjal wanted to capture the natural properties of pine needles to bring new value to a familiar object.adf-web-magazine-milano-salone-design-award-2022-winner-13

Using the material as it is, Outside/Inside’s free-flowing form inspires the user to come up with their own interpretations of using the object – striking a sense of curiosity and rediscovery. Through this project, they wanted to capture the essence of living in the foothills of the Himalayas into a single object – the smell of pine forests, the sound of leaves brushing against one another in a gentle breeze, how random things always get stuck in nearby brooks and most importantly, the ephemeral beauty of the seasons. They wanted the project to act as a  breath of fresh air for the design industry environment that is made dense from 3D product renders.

Comments from the judges

Kota Bando: I really like the simple shape that bring out the characteristic of the material. It's not only a sophisticated small Art by itself, but also it acts as a stand. I found it is interesting that as soon as you place other objects such as flowers or stationeries on it, it becomes scenery that makes the added objects look deferent and more meaningful. It is great that you can enjoy the change over time.

Eric Clough: I appreciated this on many levels - the photography and graphics presented were clear and well branded. The sense and smell of the pine needles practically jumped off the screen and everything felt very delicate and precise. There was thought put into the 'time' or lifespan of the object - how it might feel when the needles were freshly picked or withered and dried. Whether this held objects or simple plant decor, the simplicity of this held my attention to bring the forest's floor into a fun (but admittedly, maybe temporary) product design for any table surface in the house.adf-web-magazine-milano-salone-design-award-2022-winner-12

Gaurav Wali / Yashika Munjal Biography

Gaurav Wali and Yashika Munjal are a design duo from India influenced by the experience of mundane objects. Their practice exists within the fields of product design, craft, and material research. Working against design’s ‘monoculture’, they want to bring about a new perspective on the way we understand design.


Once again, we would like to congratulate the three group of winners and thank all the participants, supporters, partner organizations and the judges who each played an outstanding part in making this award a success.

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