Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia 2020
2020 is SSFF & ASIA’s 22nd year, and is also a year in which the eyes of the world will be on Japan, with record-breaking overseas visitors expected. As such, this year’s theme for SSFF & ASIA’ is “Borderless”. Approximately 200 films, from 112 countries/regions, will be screened. The majority of screenings are free with some paid-entry events.
The films to be screened will depict universal themes such as family and friends, love and society, that overcome ”borders”, whether they be racial, cultural, gender or based on social class. However, underlying these universal themes will be the viewpoints and values of the creators that we are not so familiar with. Their goal for this festival is to create a forum that touches the emotions of people around the globe.
At the SSFF & ASIA, they have an impressive record with the Academy Awards, which they plan to continue. The audience award winner of the International competition in 2013, “Curfew,” and the Grand Prix winner in 2016, “SING,” both won the Academy Award for Best Short Film (Live Action). In this year’s Academy Awards, the winner of our 2019 International Award received an Oscar nomination, and the film of the recipient of our Best Actress Award, “The Neighbor’s Window” did win the 2020 Oscar.
The full line-up will be announced in mid-April via press release and on our website. This will include all screening events and also the details of the special screening, such as a short film by Bong Joon-Ho, winner of 4 Oscars at this year’s Academy Awards, including Best Director.
Furthermore, this year they collaborate with Sony as a sole supporter of the official competition, which acts as a path to the Academy Awards® Short Film category. Sony has long supported the dreams of creators as an entertainment company powered by the latest technology.