Stranger Than Fiction — Taking creation beyond location

Towada Art Center presents the exhibition, "Stranger than Fiction".Many artists throughout Japan are currently involved in collaborating with regional communities, something that has come to be known as chiiki art. Since last year, the Towada Art Center’s Where Is Chiiki? Art project has attempted to understand the diversity, challenges, and possibilities of these collaborations.

Stranger Than Fiction-Taking creation beyond location

Towada Art Center - Stranger Than Fiction

An outcome of that project, this exhibition will showcase—both in and outside of the museum—new works by three artists engaged in chiiki art: Jun Kitazawa, Nadegata Instant Party, and Hiroshi Fuji. If you have interest, please drop by the exhibition!

TitileStranger Than Fiction — Taking creation beyond location
PeriodApr 13th, 2019 - Sep 1st, 2019
Hours09:00 - 17:00
FeesJPY 800
PlaceTowada Art Center, Towada City
AddressKodama Kanazawa, Mari Satomura, Sayaka Mitome & Yuki Miyata