About the exhibition
The Towada Art Center will present Aki Inomata’s first solo exhibition, "Significant Otherness" in Japan. Inomata’s creative process is an artistic collaboration with living creatures. She is best known for her hermit crab “shelters,” which she gives to the crustaceans who go on to inhabit her ornate creations. Using these easily accessible artistic expressions, she questions the realities of life on earth.
Why Not Hand Over a “Shelter” to Hermit Crabs? digest ver. from Aki Inomata on Vimeo.
AKI INOMATA graduated with an MFA in Inter-media Art from Tokyo University of the Arts in 2008. She presents what is born out of her interactions with living creatures as well as the relationship between humans and animals. Her major artworks include Why Not Hand Over a “Shelter” to Hermit Crabs?, in which she created city-like shells for hermit crabs, and I Wear the Dog’s Hair, and the Dog Wears My Hair, in which the artist and her dog wear capes made out of each other’s respective hair. Her recent exhibitions include “The XXII Triennale di Milano, Broken Nature: Design Takes on Human Survival”, “Thailand Biennale Krabi 2018”, “Aki Inomata, Why Not Hand Over a “Shelter” to Hermit Crabs ?”(Musee de Nantes, France, 2018),“Coming of Age” (Sector 2337, Chicago, 2017), KENPOKU ART 2016, and “Eco Expanded City” (WRO Art Center, Wroclaw, Poland, 2016). She received the Grand Prize at the YouFab Global Creative Awards 2014, the Special Prize at Asian Art Award 2018. In 2017, she stayed in New York on an Individual Fellowship Grant from the Asian Cultural Council.
Title: | Aki Inomata Solo Exhibition, "Significant Otherness" |
Date: | Sep 14th, 2019 - Jan 13th, 2020 |
Location: | Towada Art Center |