ADF&ASA(Bangkok) Design Award 2019 looking for entries!
We are pleased to announce that NPO Aoyama Design Forum will be offering our first co-sponsored award,“ADF Design Award 2019”, with the cooperation of The Association of Siamese Architects under Royal Patronage (ASA).
The theme of the award is “Restructuring the Asian Depopulating Community Through Architecture”. In some regional communities in Asian countries, depopulation has become a serious problem. Considering the way the residents are living in the areas and the way these existing communities should be, how do you think you can help rebuild the area as a sustainable community through architecture? There is no limit to age or nationality for application.
For more information please click the link below. We are looking forward to your innovative ideas (Submission deadline: Nov 13, 2018)! Prize:US$5,000 + Trip to Tokyo!
ASA web site: