ASA&ADF Design Award 2019

NPO青山デザインフォーラム(ADF)とタイ王立建築家協会(ASA)の共催で行われたASA&ADF Design Award 2019の結果が発表されました。残念ながら、今回の応募作品の中において最優秀賞該当者はおりませんでしたが、優秀賞としてNAKHARIN PITAK氏の「Wannapha Fishery Community」が選考されました。おめでとうございます!

In the midst of the growing economics condition of Chonburi’s area, there are some of the regions that is still unutilized and can be improved in many things such as the residence, occupation, public health, education and natural resources.

This community is named ‘Wonnapa beach fishery comunity’ This place was founded in the period of World War II. It’s a small fishing community located at Sansuk district, Chonburi, 80 KM away from Bangkok the capital of Thailand.

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